Ok, after a good night and tens of emails this morning on httpclient, I'd
like to propose a way to go forward, which summarizes what I have understood
from all these emails :

Step 1 : Scott Sanders is the release manager for httpclient 1.0. The code
will be reverted to the one without the new logging stuff. Scott will advise
us ASAP of the release date and do the release. It needs to be quickly (I
would say within 1 or 2 weeks max). The 1.0 release should not add any new
API, not even correct the bugs found and corrected on the rlwrefactoring
branch (the goal is not to make a perfect release but rather to have one
that Slide can rely on and if Slide was working with the code as it was
before, it should continue to work - Moreover correction of the bugs
introduces API changes). Correction of bugs could be done in version 1.1
(see step 2).

Step 2 : Create a 1.x branch so that bug corrections (but no new features)
can continue to be made for 1.x versions.

Step 3 : Once this is done, we move the rlwrefactoring branch to the main
branch. Remy and other Slide committers should comment on a point by point
basis on the changes made to that branch (Rod gave a detailed list and this
can serve for comments). This main branch will be Version 2.0 of HttpClient
as it will introduce several major API changes. We will work with Slide on
these changes so that Slide can migrate to version 2.0 confidently.

But please guys, be open for step 3 and let's try to work together in a
calm, reasoned and professional way. Don't forget we're just coding a stupid
HttpClient which should have been included in the JDK long ago ! I find it a
pity that in 2001 we still have to manipulate Socket objects !


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