Hi Vasile,

Thanks for the update. I found something strange. Given the code below.

include 18f4550

var byte i = 0

if (i == 100) then
  _error "Is 100"
end if

When I compile this I get:

jal jalv25r6 (compiled Oct 29 2021)
generating p-code
16858 tokens, 151522 chars; 3221 lines; 3 files
generating PIC code pass 1
generating PIC code pass 2
0 data accesses checked, 0 errors
1 skips checked, 0 errors
writing result
d:\PIC\Compiler\Test\2021\ADC_in_array\Test.jal:6: "Is 100"
1 errors, 0 warnings
The terminal process "c:\jallib\compiler\jalv2_64.exe 
'd:\PIC\Compiler\Test\2021\ADC_in_array\Test.jal', '-s', 'c:\jallib\lib'" 
terminated with exit code: 1.

Which is not correct. Same happens when you replace it with _warn but then it 
is generated as warning.

But when I have this program:

include 18f4550

var byte i = 0

if !defined(i) then
  _error "i is not defined"
end if

I get:

jal jalv25r6 (compiled Oct 29 2021)
generating p-code
16858 tokens, 151533 chars; 3221 lines; 3 files
generating PIC code pass 1
generating PIC code pass 2
0 data accesses checked, 0 errors
0 skips checked, 0 errors
writing result
Code area: 6 of 32768 used (bytes)
Data area: 1 of 2048 used
Software stack available: 2046 bytes
Hardware stack depth 0 of 31
0 errors, 0 warnings

Which is correct because when I change i to j the output is:

jal jalv25r6 (compiled Oct 29 2021)
generating p-code
16858 tokens, 151533 chars; 3221 lines; 3 files
generating PIC code pass 1
generating PIC code pass 2
0 data accesses checked, 0 errors
0 skips checked, 0 errors
writing result
d:\PIC\Compiler\Test\2021\ADC_in_array\Test.jal:6: "i is not defined"
1 errors, 0 warnings
The terminal process "c:\jallib\compiler\jalv2_64.exe 
'd:\PIC\Compiler\Test\2021\ADC_in_array\Test.jal', '-s', 'c:\jallib\lib'" 
terminated with exit code: 1.

So not sure why this happens but is seems to be not OK.

Kind regards,


Van: jallib@googlegroups.com <jallib@googlegroups.com> namens vsurducan 
Verzonden: zaterdag 13 november 2021 08:08
Aan: jallib@googlegroups.com <jallib@googlegroups.com>
Onderwerp: Re: [jallib] adc average

Hi Rob,
I think you will not find any issue, please don't bother. The code works now 
(without interrupts), I had a multiplication error which is not part of the 
My original test used  tmr0 interrupt and USB_serial, the average measurements 
should happen in 400us intervals and it seems something went wrong because the 
values are not those expected.

About the test procedure, I've loaded the ADRESH and ADRESL with constant 
values, without using any ADC_read procedure. Then tried to test the average 
procedure using _ERROR.  When the compiler finds the line containing _ERROR it 
reports an error no matter if the condition is true or false. Did I use it in 
the wrong way?
A very old version of the JAL compiler used a pragma_test (or something like 
that) previously to start a testing procedure. The result was delivered at 
compile time.
thank you,

On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 11:37 PM Rob CJ 
<rob...@hotmail.com<mailto:rob...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Vasile,

If I want to test this I need to create a program that does not use your 
one_ch_ad_read routine. So if I use the standard adc library the program looks 
like this. Is this program giving the same problem for you (I do not know which 
PIC you are using but it seem to be an 18F)?

About the error and warning. They are only created at compile time and I am not 
sure what voltage is at the time you compile the the program. I am also not 
sure if this works for variables.

include 18f4550
pragma target clock 48_000_000
-- magical statements: using a 20MHz Xtal, you can run @48MHz !
pragma target PLLDIV    P5
pragma target CPUDIV    P1
pragma target USBDIV    P2
pragma target OSC       HS_PLL

pragma target WDT  control          -- watchdog
pragma target LVP  enabled          -- allow Low Voltage Programming
pragma target MCLR external         -- reset externally

WDTCON_SWDTEN = off                 -- no watchdog

-- We'll start to set all pins as digital
-- then, using ADC lib, we'll configure needed
-- ones as analog.

const sample_nr  = 8  ; buffer size dimension
var word voltage1_a[sample_nr] ; sample array
var word one_ch_ad_read, ch0_adc_value
var word voltage1 = 0 ; the average value we need
const word c256 = 256

-- Configure ADC
-- Step 1: ADC input pin setup
pin_AN0_direction = input
-- Set A0 to analog input
ADCON1_PCFG = 0b000
-- Step 2: Set VDD and VSS as Vref
ADCON1_VCFG0 = FALSE                            -- Vref+ is VDD
ADCON1_VCFG1 = FALSE                            -- Vref- is VSS
-- Step 3: Use Fosc/64 as ADC clock when using a 48 MHz target clock, see 
ADCON2_ADCS = 0b110
-- Now we can include the library
include adc
-- And initialize the whole with our parameters

var byte i
  for 8 using i loop
   ch0_adc_value = adc_read_high_res(0) ; compute result
   voltage1_a [i] = ch0_adc_value ; store sample
   voltage1 = voltage1 + voltage1_a[i] ; do a sum of all samples each i step
  end loop

Van: jallib@googlegroups.com<mailto:jallib@googlegroups.com> 
<jallib@googlegroups.com<mailto:jallib@googlegroups.com>> namens vsurducan 
Verzonden: vrijdag 12 november 2021 07:38
Aan: jallib@googlegroups.com<mailto:jallib@googlegroups.com> 
Onderwerp: Re: [jallib] adc average

Hi Rob,
If I replace the ADRESH and ADRESL content with fixed values, it looks like 
computation is ok, however this is not the real situation when reading ADC.
How can a computing error be reported after compilation time?
It seems _ERROR or _WARN  does not work... Like this:

if (voltage1 <= 490) |  (voltage1 >= 510) then
 _ERROR "average computing error"  ; this error to be reported after 
compilation, but only if it's true.
end if

On the other hand I'm using interrupts in usb_serial for debugging and STATUS 
and FSR0L are also used...

;  243    voltage1 = voltage1 + voltage1_a[i]
                               bcf      v__status, v__c,v__access
                               rlcf     v___i_2,w,v__banked
                               movwf    v____temp_66,v__banked
                               lfsr     0,v_voltage1_a
                               movf     v____temp_66,w,v__banked
                               addwf    v__fsr0l,f,v__access
                               movf     v__ind,w,v__access
                               movwf    v__pic_temp,v__access
                               incf     v__fsr0l,f,v__access
                               movf     v__ind,w,v__access
                               movwf    v__pic_temp+1,v__access
                               movf     v__pic_temp,w,v__access
                               addwf    v_voltage1,f,v__banked
                               movf     v__pic_temp+1,w,v__access
                               addwfc   v_voltage1+1,f,v__banked

On Thu, Nov 11, 2021 at 8:07 PM Rob CJ 
<rob...@hotmail.com<mailto:rob...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Vasile,

Strange that this does not work.

Did you try to isolate the problem to a minimum program without using special - 
other - procedures so that it can easily be reproduced by anybody that does not 
have the library you are using?

That would make it easier to find the root cause.


Kind regards,


Van: jallib@googlegroups.com<mailto:jallib@googlegroups.com> 
<jallib@googlegroups.com<mailto:jallib@googlegroups.com>> namens vsurducan 
Verzonden: donderdag 11 november 2021 13:47
Aan: jallib@googlegroups.com<mailto:jallib@googlegroups.com> 
Onderwerp: [jallib] adc average

Hi all ( aka Kiste and Rob&Rob ?) :)

One possible solution to take 8 adc average values is below (and does not work):

const sample_nr  = 8  ; buffer size dimension
var word voltage1_a[sample_nr] ; sample array
var word one_ch_ad_read
var word voltage1 = 0 ; the average value we need
const word c256 = 256

var byte i
  for 8 using i loop
   one_ch_ad_read (0, 0b10, 0b00, 1) ; read adc procedure
   ch0_adc_value = c256*ADRESH + ADRESL ; compute result
   voltage1_a [i] = ch0_adc_value ; store sample
   voltage1 = voltage1 + voltage1_a[i] ; do a sum of all samples each i step
  end loop

   voltage1 = voltage1 >> 3  ; divide by 8 and get the adc average

The issue is at the line:
voltage1 = voltage1 + voltage1_a[i] ;
initially voltage1 = 0
for i=0  voltage1 = 0 + voltage1_a[0]
for i=1 voltage1 = voltage1 (i=0) + voltage1_a[1] ...etc
this is not working as presumed...

If I remove this line from for...loop...end loop and write as:
voltage1 = voltage1_a [0] + voltage1_a [1] + voltage1_a [2] + voltage1_a [3]
            + voltage1_a [4] + voltage1_a [5] + voltage1_a [6] + voltage1_a [7]

then everything is ok.

The question is: why it does not work?

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