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Hamas kills seven at huge Arafat rally in Gaza
11-12-2007, 13h02


Hamas police killed seven people in Gaza City on Monday as
hundreds of thousands gathered to commemorate Yasser Arafat's
death in the biggest Fatah party rally since it was ousted by the
Islamists, medical sources said.

Another 130 people were wounded when the Hamas-run police force
opened fire as crowds threw rocks and chanted "Shiite, Shiite" --
accusing them of being a proxy for Shiite Iran and its ally
Syria, witnesses and medics said.

Palestinian television showed groups of protesters and armed men
running through the streets and police beating a Fatah supporter
with wooden batons.

The deaths added salt to the wounds of already bitter divisions
among Palestinians, with Palestinian prime minister Salam Fayyad
blaming top Hamas leaders for the killings.

"Senior officials in Hamas ordered these crimes which were
carried out by the Hamas militia in order to terrify the
people... Now their punishment is a national duty," Fayyad said
in a statement from his office.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on official television
denounced "these horrible crimes committed by a band of rebels...
before the eyes of the entire world."

Earlier, the head of the secular Fatah party's parliamentary bloc
ruled out future talks with the Islamists, who had called for a
return to a national unity government that briefly united the
factions before the takeover.

"There will be no dialogue and no discussions with the killers
and coup-makers of Hamas," Azzam Ahmed said in a statement.

Hamas blamed Fatah gunmen for instigating the clashes, accusing
them of firing down on police from the rooftops around the

They "opened fire on Palestinian police, wounding four of them,
then a group within the rally started throwing rocks at police,
and the clashes ensued," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said at a
press conference.

His account was disputed by an AFP correspondent and several
witnesses, who said Hamas police opened fire on the

The rally saw the city centre filled with a sea of the yellow
flags of the party founded by Arafat and currently led by Abbas,
whose forces were driven from the Gaza Strip in a bloody takeover
in mid-June.

People had streamed into the city from across the impoverished
coastal strip, eager to pay their respects to the father of the
Palestinian cause.

"I walked from my house in (the northern village of) Beit Hanun,"
said Um Hatem, 65, who attended in a traditional Palestinian
dress. "After him our situation has become very hard... We have
become orphans without a father."

The crowds waved Palestinian flags and held portraits of the
iconic leader in his trademark black-and-white keffiyeh headdress
as Fatah party officials called for unity over loudspeakers.

The event drew as many as half a million people, according to
senior Fatah official Ahmed Hellis.

Hamas which has controlled the Gaza Strip since the takeover five
months ago broke up several smaller Fatah demonstrations on
Sunday, the third anniversary of Arafat's death, shooting and
wounding three people.

The Executive Force, Hamas's self-style police, arrested several
people on Sunday and on Monday confiscated tens of thousands of
portraits of Arafat and Abbas.

Palestinians across the occupied territories, more divided now
than at any other point in their history, have been paying
tribute to the iconic leader who died on November 11, 2004 and
who remains a symbol of Palestinian unity.

But the Palestinian Authority which he set up in 1994 now
controls only scattered, autonomous areas of the occupied West
Bank with Hamas ruling the Gaza Strip after routing their Fatah
party rivals.

"Arafat's absence is what allowed Hamas to control the Gaza
Strip," said Mukhaimar Abu Saada, a professor at Gaza's Al-Azhar
University, adding that the rally was "a rejection of the actions
of the Executive Force".

Hamas -- which opposed Arafat's policies during his lifetime and
vilifies his successor Abbas -- nevertheless praised the late

"We often agreed with the president Abu Ammar (Arafat) and we
often disagreed with him, but in spite of this we consider him a
symbol of the Palestinian nation," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhum
told AFP on Sunday.

But the bitter internal divisions that Arafat always managed to
hold at bay have erupted across the Palestinian territories since
his death from unknown causes in a Paris hospital.

        -- A. Yahya Sjarifuddin

IND, Kurniawan, Yahya [On Tue Nov 13, 2007 at 01:24:13PM +0700] wrote:

> Sahabat jamaah Al-Ikhlas, hati-hati dengan berita-berita yang menfitnah 
> saudara-saudara kita di Palestina.
> Hamas sering difitnah oleh orang-orang yahudi, orang munafiq dan orang-orang 
> muslim sendiri.  Namun secara logika umum siapa yang dibenci dan dimusuhi  AS 
> dan Zionis adalah orang yang mempunyai ghirah Islam yang kuat, ingat siapa 
> yang semestinya berkuasa secara legal dipilih oleh rakyat palestina? Ya 
> jawabannya adalah Hamas, dan kemudian mereka dikucilkan, diboikot oleh AS dan 
> konco-konconya hanya karena Hamas ingin memerintah sesuai syariat dan tidak 
> mau mengakui Israel, kemudian dikudeta oleh saudara sendiri sesama bangsa 
> palestina.
> Wa Allahu a'lam bish showab
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Achmad Yahya Sjarifuddin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 8:33 AM
> Subject: Polisi Hamas Tembak Mati 7 Pendukung Fatah
> 2007-11-13 07:30:00
> Polisi Hamas Tembak Mati 7 Pendukung Fatah
> Iqbal Fadil - detikcom
> Jakarta - Bentrokan antara Hamas dan Fatah kembali memanas. Dalam
> sebuah acara peringatan mengenang kematian mendiang Yasser Arafat
> di Kota Gaza, polisi Hamas menembak mati 7 pendukung Fatah.
> Tak hanya itu, seperti dilansir AFP, Selasa (13/11/2007), 130
> orang lainnya dilaporkan mengalami luka-luka.
> Semula, peringatan yang dihadiri ribuan orang dari berbagai
> penjuru Palestian itu berjalan lancar. Situasi kemudian memanas
> setelah pendukung Fatah melihat polisi Palestina yang merupakan
> pendukung Hamas sedang berjaga-jaga.
> Sekelompok pendukung Fatah kemudian meneriaki polisi Hamas itu
> dengan sebutan "Syiah... Syiah...," sambil melempari batu dan
> menuding mereka antek Iran dan sekutu Suriah.
> Beberapa saksi mata menyebutkan, polisi kemudian mengejar para
> penyerangnya dan memukulnya dengan balok kayu. Beberapa polisi
> laiannya mengeluarkan tembakan ke arah pendukung Fatah yang
> memadati jalan.
> Kecaman keras pun dilontarkan PM Palestina Salam Fayyad.
> "Pemimpin senior di Hamas yang memerintahkan kejahatan ini dengan
> menunjukkan milisi mereka untuk menakuti orang-orang. Sekarang
> tugas nasional untuk menghukum mereka," cetus Fayyad.
> Sedangkan Presiden Mahmoud Abbas yang berasal dari Fatah
> menyampaikan kecaman serupa. "Kejahatan mengerikan ini dilakukan
> oleh sekelompok pemberontak," ucap Abbas.
> Namun Hamas yang dikecam, balik menuding pendukung bersenjata
> Fatah-lah yang memicu bentrok.
> "Mereka menembak polisi Palestina. Melukai 4 orang dan sekelompok
> orang mulai melemparkan batu sampai peristiwa itu terjadi,"
> sanggah jubir Hamas Sami Abu Zuhri. (bal/bal)
> (news from cache) - Reload from Original

- Milis Masjid Ar-Royyan, Perum BDB II, Sukahati, Cibinong 16913 -
- Website ; Milis jamaah[at] -

Diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Masud radhiyallaahu anhu, ia berkata : Bagi yang 
tahu hendaklah mengatakan apa yang ia ketahui. Dan bagi yang tidak tahu 
hendaklah mengatakan : Allahu alam. Sebab termasuk ilmu adalah mengatakan aku 
tidak tahu dalam perkara yang tidak ia ketahui ilmunya. Sebab Allah Taala 
berfirman kepada Nabi-Nya : Katakanlah (hai Muhammad), Aku tidak meminta upah 
sedikitpun kepadamu atas dakwahku; dan bukanlah aku termasuk orang-orang  yang 
mengada-adakan  (Q.S. Shaad : 86) [HR Al Bukhari dan Muslim]

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