Paul Hammant wrote:

> Stephen,
>>> To more knowledgeable heads than I,
>>> Noel and I have been looking at the nightly build process and are a
>>> little disturbed by the fact that:
>>> i) It is failing
>>> ii) It is failing without notifying james-dev
>> This explains a lot.  With no notification of failures, the Avalon 
>> Community have been moving along in ignorant bliss (relative to the 
>> James Commnity).  Over the last few days that has been discussion 
>> concerning inconsitencies in Cornerstone jar brough about by some 
>> recent testing I've been doing of James using the Avalon CVS builds 
>> of Cornerstone. With gump working we would have spotted the issue 
>> months ago.
>> Getting this back in place would be really good becuse you can 
>> validate that the Avalon Community are not braking anything as a 
>> result of maintainance and service development.
> Err not true dude.  The problem exists because casting (I think) which 
> neither gump nor a guy doing 'ant clean, ant dist' can test for.  

I stand corrected!  A pure Gump run will only pick up compile time issues.
However, a unit test on someting link the SMTP server will catch this 
sort of issue.  Aside from that - getting in some unit tests on 
individual Cornersone components could be highly valuable - I have a 
sneaking suspision that the errors I'm seeing in the James runtime 
testing are unrelated to James code and actually concern the file 
persistence in the cornerston/store package - but its unconfirmed at 
this stage.

Cheers, Steve.

>>> See the nightly build report here:
>>> After examining the definition file here,
>>> it is very clear that this definition is pretty far out of date.  Among
>>> other things, the file refers to a, which if I recall
>>> correctly was the predecessor to the current James.sar.  So the file
>>> needs to be updated.
>> Pete the right person to talk to - he knows this stuff inside out.
> Indeed he is.  Confuses the hell out me me.
> - Paul
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Stephen J. McConnell

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