> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: 16 January 2003 19:24
> To: James Developers List
> Subject: RE: Jabber (Instant Messaging) Support
> Jason,
> I know several people who have expressed interest in seeing 
> James expand as a groupware product.  But putting that aside 
> for the moment, there are a number of functional and social 
> benefits for James to support Jabber:
>   - Instant Messaging is a killer application.  Integrating it
>     gets a lot more people interested in, using and supporting
>     James.
>   - Jabber instant messaging makes use of a mail server oriented
>     service model, so the fit is there.
>   - James could incorporate store and forward, allowing disconnected
>     Jabber traffic.
>   - James could integrate Jabber and e-mail in several ways
>     - Jabber notification of e-mail arrival
>     - integrate Jabber digests onto mailing lists

This is killer for a groupware system. I assume that you mean that when
a Jabber conversation is finished it's sent out as an email.

>     - integrate Jabber and e-mail address spaces for short messages
> Recorded at http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?JamesJabber.
> The notion of rosters/groups/lists is something I want to fix 
> with the James v3 user model.

Groups (or whatever) are the killer here. I'd really like to see that
done soon.
We have 3 tables - user, group and groupmember as the user <-> group
mapping is many-to-many. However creating those groups and all their
information is done outside of the mail system due to all the info that
can be given when creating the group. James needs a web-based interface
for management/administration for these type of activities. I'd see
these as being implemented via JMX (possibly).

> By the way, I see that you have some MLM code.  As you know, 
> one of the things that we need to do for James v3 is to put 
> in place some serious MLM support.  Do you have any [code, 
> concepts, time] that you can contribute?

Code, some.
Time and concepts, yes.
What I'd like to see is a solid James MLM with us (iNovem) acting as a
value-add on top of it.
I have a cunning plan that involves using something like the
LinearProcessor for the rules based system that we use for checking who
can do what ;)

>       --- Noel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Webb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:32
> To: James Developers List
> Subject: RE: Jabber (Instant Messaging) Support
> I'm interested in how you'd see this happening and what 
> benefits it would bring.
> As part of a groupware product (e.g. Exchange etc) where you 
> already have the concept of groups (rosters in Jabber terms?) 
> it's a really good fit. However, on a more user-centric basis 
> I think it would be better to stick with a non-James 
> integrated system, as James adds little, if any, value to the 
> equation.
> However, if you want to build a James based system to compete 
> with MS Exchange then lets go for it!
> As a first stop I'd suggest people look at 
> http://www.javajabber.net/ first as it's > written in Java and 
> runs in Avalon!
> -- Jason
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Noel J. Bergman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 15 January 2003 19:57
> > To: James-Dev Mailing List
> > Subject: Jabber (Instant Messaging) Support
> >
> >
> > Is anyone interested in championing Jabber support for James?
> >
> > ref:
> >   www.jabber.org
> >   Home page
> >
> >   http://www.jabber.org/about/techover.html
> >   Technical overview, discussing similarity
> >   between Jabber and SMTP/POP e-mail.
> >
> > In many ways, Jabber support would be a very nice fit with James.
> >
> >     --- Noel
> >
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