Richard and Noel,

--- "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Richard,
> With respect to writing your own SMTP client, it is
> simple for simple cases,
> but the totality of SMTP isn't simple.

Considering these facts about 1/2 year ago I chose
James as an implementation basis for a very similiar
project and found James very suitable. (which is a
reliable solution capable of all those nice exception
cases which I could never program myself) BTW. thanks
to all james developers!

> However, I don't see why you can't use James for
> your application.  What you
> are proposing seems like a fairly straightforward
> custom application of

Understanding concepts of James ate up almost half of 
development time. :-)

> James.  From what I read on your site, and from your
> post, it is essentially
> a variation on a TMDA ( scheme, but
> requiring payment rather
> than authentication.

The challenge-response-payment idea was IMHO first
discussed in "Pricing via processing" (Cynthia Dwork,
Moni Naor, 1991). 

You can find the paper here:

TMDA is one implementation of that idea. At the moment
the "beloved" company Microsoft is heavily researching
in this field.


However, my guess is next version of windows will
contain this feature.


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