
Try adding some additional threads to RemoteDelivery, but unless you also
configured RemoteDelivery's output spool for JDBC, do *not* do it unless you
are using v2.1.1a7 or later, due to a synchronization error that I found and

Yes, the record at doesn't look good for you.  Are you a colo,
or do you need a host?

        --- Noel

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenny Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 18:31
To: James Users List
Subject: Re: Really slow spooling again... :(

Hi Noel et al,

It appears that connections from my server are getting denied by hotmail
and yahoo (my ISP just got labeled as a spammer... I'm trying to find a
new ISP), so I'm getting a lot of timeouts and a lot of retries. I can
only assume that it's just going through the spool really slowly because
it takes a long time to timeout. :/

Me need new ISP. *sigh*


Noel J. Bergman wrote:

> Kenny,
> I have run tests most nights lately, each about 1 million messages.  They
> run through the spooler until they encounter a matcher that discards them
> all.  The tests average about 1400 messages per minute on the 400 mhz
> Celeron test bed.
> The test basically exercises the heck out of the SMTP handler and the
> spooler.  The spooler is configured in mysql as:
> The data-source is the standard entry for MySQL, except that the
> database is
> "test" on that machine.
> What database (type and version) are you using?  One thing that I found a
> while ago was that on very rare occassions, I could go into MySQL, do a
> manual SQL query, and notice an excessive amount of time (let's say 1
> second
> instead of 0.006).  Restarting MySQL (and James because of mordred)
> cleared
> that up.
> The fact that they are in transport is insufficient.  What you need to
> do is
> see where in the processor they are.  Look for entries of the kind:
>  Checking  with
>  Servicing  by
> Those should tell us specifically where in the transport the message has
> gotten, and the timestamps will tell us how long it is taking to move
> through the spool.
>       --- Noel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kenny Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 13:10
> Subject: Really slow spooling again... :(
> Hi all,
> I'm having all of my mail backup in the spool tables (using JDBC) with a
> message_state of 'transport'. I've turned up my logging to DEBUG, but
> I'm not seeing anything in the logs that looks relevant to slow
> performance. I sent 230 email 2 hours ago and there are still 190 in the
> spool/transport waiting to get sent.
> I saw the recent conversation about indexes on the spool table causing
> slow downs after a while, so I stopped James, dumped the table, removed
> the indicies, put the table back in and started James up. Nothing
> appears to have changed.
> I'm running James 2.1 with jdk1.4 on Solaris.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Kenny Smith
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