
I've recently seen any number of variations on this theme, here are some tips which 
may or may not help..

Your server should issue EHLO or HELO followed by its host.domain name, possibly the 
name is simply wrong it looks like you are sending "mailserver" which may just be the 
host part, but perhaps you just changed that in this mail.

Otherwise the remote mailer is trying to do a DNS lookup, it could be either doing a 
lookup on the hostname and getting a different IP, or a reverse lookup on your IP 
address and not getting your correct hostname, or one of those is failing completely.

I would set the prefered hostname for your machine at the top of the <servernames> 
section and not use auto-detect for servernames, this means you will have to add 
"localhost" by hand.

Then check the NS lookup for this hostname, and the reverse lookup for the IP of your 

If you are running through a NAT firewall you may have to assign a hostname to the 
firewall and a reverse DNS entry for that, even worse you may have to assign the 
firewall's hostname to your server's <servernames>.

Try telnetting into the server which rejected your mail on port 25 and issue a HELO or 
EHLO command for the hostname you expect to be using, see what the response is.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alice K [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 11 March 2003 13:43
> Subject: sending mails using james was blocked by Anti Spam
> Hi,
> I used the latest James to send out emails from java web application. It 
> works very well. However, EMail from my mailserver was refused by 
> Anti Spam. 
> Reason is DSS-HELO found.
> Here is the explanation note received. I would apprecate very 
> much if anyone 
> can take a look at it to see what wrong with it.
> Thanks a lot.
> Alice
> --------------------------------------
> EMail from my mailserver was refused by Anti Spam. Reason is 
> DSS-HELO found.
> Explanatory Note :
> Hello
> Your IP has been blocked because it sent mail to us using a 
> suspicious HELO 
> string.
> HELO is an SMTP command with which one mailserver identifies itself to 
> another.
> Some spammers, in order to forge headers, issue forged HELOs like HELO
>, HELO etc. However, actual mail from or 
> will not have such a HELO string - it comes with a 
> quite different 
> If an IP sends us mail with suspect HELOs like this, it gets blocked till 
> such time as this is fixed.
> Please have your mail systems admin resolve this issue and let me 
> know when 
> this is resolved.
> regards
> postmaster
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