On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 10:10:47AM -0500, Wes Strater wrote:
> I brought up the issue of case sensitivity on a different list and was
> slammed for being a terrible programmer. My point was that the servlet name
> and the parameters are case sensitive. If a user uses the wrong case for
> the servlet name, they can not access your site. If you are running a
> commerical site, you are losing business. If the user uses the wrong case
> for a parameter, you have to do extra coding to check for the parameter.

        Apache treats URIs in a case-sensitive manner: /Foo and
/foo are not the same. This makes sense to people from a Unix background.

        Customers should never be concerned with internal URLs. If you're
requiring customers type a URL -- other than the "root" URL for the
site -- you're doing something horribly wrong. If by "user" you mean
a programmer working on your site, well, case mismatch is what testing
is supposed to catch.

        Customers shouldn't have to worry about parameter names.
The sole interface should be the HTML and the attendant form.

> I dropped the issue when one responder likened case insensitivity code to
> the fall of man-kind despite I was explicitly not refering to code.

        What _were_ you referring to?

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        -- Microsoft employee Vinod Valloppillil, on his first exposure
        to Linux development

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