Hello, everyone,

        I just setup a Apache server and a mSQL server on my RedHat 5.2
box, and wrote a servlet to connect to mSQL to process client queries.
Everything worked fine when I was running both servletrunner and Apache
(1.3.4 without JServ module). But after I compiled JServ (1.0b3) 
statically to Apache, and acoordingly changed everything I can think of, I
could not get the same servlet to work!  I finally found the error message
in jserv.log which says:

[25/02/1999 01:55:09:194] (ERROR) ajp11: Servlet Error: POST is not
supported by this URL 

Why POST is not supported by this URL? which configuration file I should
change? your reponse is highly appreciated.

best regards,

Jian GU
Dept.of Physics
Kansas State University

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