
mod_jserv.so is not being created when I do a
./configure;make;make install

My setup info is
RedHat 5.2
Apache 1.3.3
JDK 1.1.7 v1a
JSERV 1.03b

The configuration process appears to run find and come to a normal
completion finding directories and files.

The directory /usr/local/jserv gets created from the setup but the file
the mod_jserv.so does not. I checked the Apache's libexec
directory ('/usr/lib/apache')
where other .so files are stored.

Then I searched the entire filesystem for mod_jserv.so but no match.

Am I missing something.

I need to do a LoadModule for mod_jserv.so in httpd.conf but I can't
find it.

Any one else have this problem??

Paul Russo

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