Hello. I need help to set up the JServ , but I don't know where was

I tried to install JServ using ./configure without any option.
it was working ,but there is no mod_jserv.so file.
even if I tried to find it using entired search, I couldn't get it.

However, I thought it couldn't check my Apache directory, actually DSO
Even if I tried to type the apache direcotries where are located, the
processing was failed.

I would like to know that


Are they right?

I just installed the Apache 1.3.4 + mod_ssl( RPM version ),
and I am running Redhat5.2( intel version ).
There are already set up the JSDK2.0 and JDK1.1.6.

Is anyone help me? or Is there anyone who is the same as my situation?
please, help me.


cf)here is my apache directories( RPM version)

/etc/httpd/conf  ( configure files. httpd.conf.)
/usr/include/apache ( there are *.h files )
/usr/lib/apache   ( there are mod_*.so files )
/usr/sbin  ( there are httpd ( demon executed files )

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