Sung-HO Maeung wrote:

> Thanks, Jon.  but I have already read several times before posted it.
> I thought that ./configure --with-apache-install=/etc/httpd/conf
> but, there  wa error msg that
> "checking for Apache directory... configure: error:  does not have DSO support"
> exactly, my apache server is support to run the DSO, because it is running a
> mod_ssl motion.
> could anyone know what was wrong?  or does anyone need more information?
> I am running RedHat 5.2 , Apache 1.3.4+mod_ssl ( RPM version ) ,
> JServ1.03b, JSDK2.0,and JDK1.1.6

I found that I installed it like "./configure --with-apache-install=/usr"
it is working. :)  Thanks anyway.
but I think it is only working on apache ( RPM version ) of Redhat5.2

If anyone installed apache sever ( RPM version ), please type above that.

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