> After installing JServ 1.0b3 and running its config file, then its make
> file, I ran the make in apache (version 1.2.6, RedHat 5.1).  This works up
> to a point and then fails when trying to link the jserv .a library, which
> never gets built for some reason.  We are relative Linux newbies, so I
> assume this could be a very basic problem.

I had this (same?) problem today when building 10b3. I had to go in and
hack the Makefile in the modules/jserv directory to include the jbalancp.c
file in the object directive, seems like it wasn't in the objects list so
the referenced methods/symbols weren't being found in the libserv.a when
compiling Apache. For good measure I build the stuff in modules/jserv by
hand before re-building apache


Pratik R. Patel
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