Yes, this is correct.  The Java AWT needs to create 'peer' objects using
the underlying graphics system even if those object will never actually be
displayed on that system.  Thus it requires a connection to a running X
server on UNIX.

The solution is to use xvfb (X Virtual Frame Buffer) which is essentially a
headless X server.  Xvfb is part of the X11R6 distribution.

At 09:47 AM 3/4/99 -0600, you wrote:
>This might be a bit offtopic, but we have a developer with a servlet on
>our server, and they are claiming that it requires Xwindows to be
>*running* for the servlet to operate correctly(it generates a graph on the
>fly).  We don't run X on the servers, and I find this *quite* hard to
>believe that would be required just to use AWT(so they say).
>If it truly is this way, are there any alterntatives I might suggest to
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Marc Saegesser
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   Vannevar Bush, 1945

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