Damian Fauth wrote:
> Your intention is to direct apache to use the org.gjt.jsp.JSPServlet
> servlet for all requests to templates ending in .jsp right?
> You also have two zones defined, jspz and jspexamples, but you only
> provide the config for one, jspz. So assuming that you want to use this
> zone to run the org.gjt.jsp.JSPServlet servlet, you must direct apache
> to "use" this servlet in this zone, so  the ApJServAction directive
> should be
> ApJServAction  .jsp /jspz/gnujsp
> Using the gnujsp alias that is defined by the line
> servlet.gnujsp.code=org.gjt.jsp.JSPServlet
> in your jspexamples.properties
> And for consistency you should use the alias elsewhere, for example:
> servlets.startup=gnujsp
> servlet.gnujsp.initArgs=repository=/tmp/jsp
> Also, your set up seems a bit confusing. Can I suggest you use the same
> zone name throughout, something like:
> zones=examples
> examples.properties=/usr/local/gnujsp-0.9.9/examples/examples.properties
> Then define in examples.properties:
> repositories=/usr/local/gnujsp-0.9.9/lib/gnujsp.jar
> servlets.startup=gnujsp
> servlet.gnujsp.code=org.gjt.jsp.JSPServlet
> servlet.gnujsp.initArgs=repository=/tmp/jsp
> If you point at the gnujsp.jar in your repositories directive, you
> should not need it in your wrapper.classpath directive. The effect of
> this is that changes to that jar file will allow the servlet engine to
> automatically reload the classes.
> Damian

Thank you.  This helped to clarify the config files.  All seems to be
working well now.

Peter Santoro Computing
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