In my previous posting I missed to mention that there JServ write into
jserv.log, so there can't be a permisssion problem.
In jserv.log the following appears:
[29/04/1999 19:12:24:629] (INFO) wrapper: watching processes
(PID=24006,PPID=23712,VM PID=24012)
[29/04/1999 19:12:24:630] (INFO) wrapper classpath:
[29/04/1999 19:12:24:630] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:25:635] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
[29/04/1999 19:12:25:636] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:26:645] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
[29/04/1999 19:12:26:646] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:27:655] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
[29/04/1999 19:12:27:657] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:28:665] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
[29/04/1999 19:12:28:666] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:29:675] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
[29/04/1999 19:12:29:676] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:30:685] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
[29/04/1999 19:12:30:686] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:695] (INFO) wrapper: VM died too many times w/in 5
second intervals (6); no more tries
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:695] (INFO) wrapper: printing debugging information
(command line, env)
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:695] (INFO) wrapper: argument[ 1]
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: argument[ 2]
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: argument[ 3]
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: environment[ 1]
[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: environment[ 2]

Everytime when there's a "Java VM spanned" thing, the error_log of
apache gets this IOException described below!

Steve Nguyen wrote:
> Make your logfile owned by "nobody"
> Steve N.
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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Guenther Wieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Java Apache Users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, April 30, 1999 12:08 AM
> Subject: problem after recompile
> > Hi!
> >
> > After I worked a long time with my apache/jserv config, I wanted to
> > recompile both because I needed some extra options.
> > After compiling and installing both without any errors, I get the
> > following in error_log:
> > -------------------------
> > Apache JServ: Error opening log file: Directory not
> > writable: file://@JSERV_LOG@
> > Directory not writable: file://@JSERV_LOG@
> >         at<init>(
> >         at<init>(
> >         at org.apache.jserv.JServLog.<init>(
> >         at org.apache.jserv.JServ.init(
> >         at org.apache.jserv.JServ.main(
> > -------------------------
> > Actually, the log file should be written to
> > /usr/local/jserv/log/jserv.log.
> > The file looks like the following:
> > -rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root       130675 Apr 29 16:04
> > /usr/local/jserv/logs/jserv.log
> >
> > You can see I alread set the mode to be writeable by everyone.
> > Also the dir is writeable (don't know why it should be, but I set it
> > writeable after the first error message)?
> >
> > Am I something missing? The config files of both apache and jserv are
> > the same as before!
> >
> > --
> > Guenther Wieser
> > creative-it/Guenther Wieser Software KEG
> > Student of Telematik at Graz University of Technology
> >        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > -> In A World Without Walls And Fences, Who Needs Windows And Gates? <-
> >
> >
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Guenther Wieser      
creative-it/Guenther Wieser Software KEG
Student of Telematik at Graz University of Technology        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-> In A World Without Walls And Fences, Who Needs Windows And Gates? <-

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