On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Guenther Wieser wrote:

>In my previous posting I missed to mention that there JServ write into
>jserv.log, so there can't be a permisssion problem.

There can be ... the jserv.log is written to in two places (by default)
once gefore the apache httpd does its SetUID / setGID and once after
(what was the jserv.trace but is now jserv.log).  Typically, the httpd
starts as root so no problem writing to jserv.log but as user nobody
with nogroup it can't write to the jserv.log and bingo ... jvm dies
because there has been an error.  You can either change the ownership
of the jserv.log to the effective UID/GID of the httpd process after
it has doen the setuid/setgid or edit the config files (always a good
idea to look at then to check that all the values look reasonable -
like the @JSERV_LOG@ or whatever it was that didn't get changed by
the make process - see jserv.properties file) to get the debugging
output sent to a different file and then "touch" it and change the
ownership as above.

Hope that helps (I'm on Solaris 2.6 / Apache 1.3.6 / Jserv 1.0b3)


>In jserv.log the following appears:
>[29/04/1999 19:12:24:629] (INFO) wrapper: watching processes
>(PID=24006,PPID=23712,VM PID=24012)
>[29/04/1999 19:12:24:630] (INFO) wrapper classpath:
>[29/04/1999 19:12:24:630] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:25:635] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
>[29/04/1999 19:12:25:636] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:26:645] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
>[29/04/1999 19:12:26:646] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:27:655] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
>[29/04/1999 19:12:27:657] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:28:665] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
>[29/04/1999 19:12:28:666] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:29:675] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
>[29/04/1999 19:12:29:676] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:30:685] (INFO) wrapper: JVM Exited, restarting it (my
>[29/04/1999 19:12:30:686] (INFO) wrapper: Java VM spawned
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:695] (INFO) wrapper: VM died too many times w/in 5
>second intervals (6); no more tries
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:695] (INFO) wrapper: printing debugging information
>(command line, env)
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:695] (INFO) wrapper: argument[ 1]
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: argument[ 2]
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: argument[ 3]
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: environment[ 1]
>[29/04/1999 19:12:31:696] (INFO) wrapper: environment[ 2]
>Everytime when there's a "Java VM spanned" thing, the error_log of
>apache gets this IOException described below!
>Steve Nguyen wrote:
>> Make your logfile owned by "nobody"
>> Steve N.
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Presents KBMail Professional Service
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>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Guenther Wieser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Java Apache Users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Friday, April 30, 1999 12:08 AM
>> Subject: problem after recompile
>> > Hi!
>> >
>> > After I worked a long time with my apache/jserv config, I wanted to
>> > recompile both because I needed some extra options.
>> > After compiling and installing both without any errors, I get the
>> > following in error_log:
>> > -------------------------
>> > Apache JServ: Error opening log file: java.io.IOException: Directory not
>> > writable: file://@JSERV_LOG@
>> > java.io.IOException: Directory not writable: file://@JSERV_LOG@
>> >         at org.apache.java.io.LogWriter.<init>(LogWriter.java:286)
>> >         at org.apache.java.io.LogWriter.<init>(LogWriter.java:202)
>> >         at org.apache.jserv.JServLog.<init>(JServLog.java:76)
>> >         at org.apache.jserv.JServ.init(JServ.java:169)
>> >         at org.apache.jserv.JServ.main(JServ.java:124)
>> > -------------------------
>> > Actually, the log file should be written to
>> > /usr/local/jserv/log/jserv.log.
>> > The file looks like the following:
>> > -rw-rw-rw-   1 root     root       130675 Apr 29 16:04
>> > /usr/local/jserv/logs/jserv.log
>> >
>> > You can see I alread set the mode to be writeable by everyone.
>> > Also the dir is writeable (don't know why it should be, but I set it
>> > writeable after the first error message)?
>> >
>> > Am I something missing? The config files of both apache and jserv are
>> > the same as before!
>> >
>> > --
>> > Guenther Wieser
>> > creative-it/Guenther Wieser Software KEG
>> > Student of Telematik at Graz University of Technology
>> > http://www.creative-it.com        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > -> In A World Without Walls And Fences, Who Needs Windows And Gates? <-
>> >
>> >
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>Guenther Wieser      
>creative-it/Guenther Wieser Software KEG
>Student of Telematik at Graz University of Technology
>http://www.creative-it.com        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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