BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!

Hello Kenneth and Paul Maguire,
                        In fact I dont want to create a servlet zone.Let me
put my problem like this...
I have a webApplication the servelet connect to the data base, mail server..
and I have put the database URL,Driver,Mailserver IP etc in a properties
file.Now I have this porperties file in Apache root directory ie F:\Apache
and every thing is working fine. Now  if I put this properties file in the
servelets derectory ( the Apache defalut servelts zone) it is not reachable.
I want to put this in the servlet directory so that I can make a JAR file of
all my code including the properties file...so that it will could be put in
servelets derectory by any one & could the application could be used.
Please let me know how can I go about it. I am new to Apache please dont
mind if I am asking silly questions.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Mangiapane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Java Apache Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: how to make Apache Look for properties file in Servlets

> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
> WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
> and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Manzoor Patel wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >         I have a properties file, how can I make the Apache look for
> > the properties file in the servlets directory?
> > By default the Apache is looking for the my properties file in the
> > Apache directory.
> >
> > Many Thanks
> > Manzoor
> My setup is as follows:
> Apache 1.3.11
> Apache JServ 1.1
> OS: RedHat LInux 5.2
> First look in httpd.conf file for the Include directive
> which specifies the path to the jserv.conf file.
> Mine is :
> Include /usr/local/apache/conf/jserv/jserv.conf
> Next look in the jserv.conf file
> for the directive ApJServProperties
> this specifies the path to the properties file.
> Why would you want to put the properties file in your
> servlets directory?
> Also, try to include relevant information like
> Operating System, version of Apache, version
> of JServ, JDK, etc.
> Chris Mangiapane
> --
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