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Bill Volk wrote:
> How does this help me with server-side rendering on a server weher we DON'T
> want to install or run X?

I know the X dependency is a needless bug in the VM, but I don't understand the
objection to this workaround. Don't think of it as "installing X" - it's just a
random magic black box of code which eats unwanted X connections.

It avoids needing to have a graphics head etc. or the network security and
robustness issue of using an external X server. You don't need Xlib or any of
the client binaries (which are probably part of your OS load anyway, but who
cares?), you just need a couple of libraries and the VNC code, less than 20Mb of
disc space and 15 minutes setup time. The memory footprint is quite small
(around 1Mb remains swapped in after the JVM is running if you set Xvnc to
640x480 in 8-bit colour) and it uses no CPU time once AWT has been used for the
first time.

Unless you're building a low end embedded app (which a webserver isn't) it's
very practical as a solution.

> Yes, I know about PJA ... No, it doesn't work for us.  In fact I don't know
> of anyone it's worked for.
> How about just a JPEG save/load?

Such a thing may well exist, but most kits use AWT or Swing primitives under the
hood. They're standard parts of Java, so few people are likely to have
reinvented the wheel there.

What I would be interested in is a more high performance alternative based on
JNI (Java based rendering can be quite pricey on the CPU)


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