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This is my setup.

apache 1.3.17
jserv 1.1.2
ibm jdk 1.3

I compiled jserv into apache.

When apache first starts, I can request my docs, my servlets, etc.

After about 15 minutes, I get the following errors in my mod_jserv.log.

*** BEGIN ***

28/02/2001 12:26:04:819] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: ping: no reply
(-1)             Please make sure that the wrapper.classpath is
pointing             to the correct version of ApacheJServ.jar
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: printing debugging
information (command line, env)
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 0]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 1] -ms32m
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 2] -mx128m
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 3]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 4]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: environment[ 0]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:860] (ERROR) wrapper: environment[ 1]

*** END ***

I have no clue as to what I should be doing.  What is causing this?  Why
does it work and then fail?  When this happens, I have a bunch of
defunct java processes hanging around.

thanks - please anybody...

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