Which OS? Native or green threads?

Sounds like the VM is packing up. If you have lots of Java "processes" I'll stick my neck out and assume native threads on Linux.

Try doing a netstat and see if JServ is still listening (port 8007)

Billy Mahoney wrote:

BEFORE YOU POST, search the faq at <http://java.apache.org/faq/>
WHEN YOU POST, include all relevant version numbers, log files,
and configuration files.  Don't make us guess your problem!!!

This is my setup.

apache 1.3.17
jserv 1.1.2
ibm jdk 1.3

I compiled jserv into apache.

When apache first starts, I can request my docs, my servlets, etc.

After about 15 minutes, I get the following errors in my mod_jserv.log.

*** BEGIN ***

28/02/2001 12:26:04:819] (EMERGENCY) ajp12: ping: no reply
(-1)             Please make sure that the wrapper.classpath is
pointing             to the correct version of ApacheJServ.jar
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: printing debugging
information (command line, env)
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 0]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 1] -ms32m
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 2] -mx128m
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 3]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: argument[ 4]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:859] (ERROR) wrapper: environment[ 0]
[28/02/2001 12:26:44:860] (ERROR) wrapper: environment[ 1]

*** END ***

I have no clue as to what I should be doing.  What is causing this?  Why
does it work and then fail?  When this happens, I have a bunch of
defunct java processes hanging around.

thanks - please anybody...

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