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Hi All

I have posted this question before but never got an answer for it. The JVM dies on a 
frequent basis when there is a heavy load even for a hello world servlet throwing an 
error message
"An error occurred listening to the port: OutOfMemory error"
The weird part is I have been monitoring the heap extensively and doesn't grow 
anywhere close to the max heap size. 
Since the JVM's are started in the manual mode I use ms and mx commands to set the 
heap up. 
My setup is Apache 1.3.9 + two JServ 1.1 on a Solaris2.6
Java - JDK1.1.8 + JSDK2.0
Server E220

By looking at the Jserv code the system exits if there is a OutOfMemory error. The GC 
gets called fine, using a Runtime to get the heap returns the same heap values that I 
am monitoring. I don't have a clue what to look for! The only observation is it 
happens at heavy loads. 

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


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