DM Smith wrote:
In an earlier note, I suggested that there needs to be guidance as to how
Java 5 constructs are to be incorporated into code, contrib and core.
(Sooner or later, core will change to Java 5) Or does anything go?

Once we decide to accept Java 5 code, we should of course encourage new contributions to use new language features that improve, e.g., type safety and maintainability. If someone wishes to upgrade existing code to use new language features, these should be done as separate contributions.

We could state a goal of upgrading all existing code, but that won't make it happen. I prefer not to make ambitious roadmaps, but rather have things driven bottom-up, by contributors. So my bottom-up-oriented guideline is that I would not reject contributions that do nothing but upgrade existing code to use new language features.

Is that the sort of guidance you seek, or do you think we need something more specific, with feature-by-feature guidelines? Developing such guidelines collaboratively might be difficult.


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