karl wettin wrote on 07/08/2006 10:27 AM:
> On Sat, 2006-07-08 at 09:46 -0700, Chuck Williams wrote:
>> Many things would be cleaner in Lucene if fields had a global semantics,
>> Has this been considered before?  Are there good reasons this path has
>> not been followed?
> I've been posting some advocacy about the current Field. Basically I
> would like to see a more normalized field setting per document (instead
> of normalizing it in the writer), and I've been talking about something
> like this:
> [Document]<#>--- {1..*} ->[Value]-->[Field +name +store +index +vector]
>                                                     A
>                                                     | {0..*}
>                                                     |
>                                                  [Index]

And what I'm after would look like this:

[Document]<#>--- {1..*} ->[Value]
                             | {*..1}
      [Field +store +index +vector +analyzer +directory]
                             | {1..1}
                             | {0..*}

The key points are to have Index be a first-class object and to have
field names uniquely specify field properties.

Karl, do you have specific reasons or use cases to normalize fields at
Document rather than at Index?


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