While automatically clustering java objects sure sounds cool, I have
to wonder what the performance ends up being.  Every small change to
the clustered objects is broadcast to all the nodes, correct?

Have you done any performance comparisons to see if this is a
practical approach for Lucene?

http://incubator.apache.org/solr Solr, the open-source Lucene search server

On 9/21/06, Steve Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fair question.

All I did/need was take SegmentInfos and instead of subclassing Vector
I made it contain a Vector. Went from subclassing to aggregation. As
far as I could
tell from reading the code it would make no difference to anyone and
should have no performance impact (good or bad). It just allowed me to
cluster the IndexWriter with a RAMDirectory.

Maybe a little background would help. Our clustering product doesn't
use java serialization and has no API. We just use a little config
where one points us to what you want clustered and what java
synchronization needs to be shared. One of the limitations that
currently exists is that we don't support clustering subclasses of
java collections.

At this point I'm just experimenting to see if our product can cluster
lucene in a useful/performant way. When my experimenting is complete,
if everything is positive, I am going to write a blog on clustering
lucene indexes but it would be awkward to do that if the people who
run through the example have to change lucene code.

Does this help?


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