On 16/12/2006, at 6:15 PM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:

Moving to java-dev, I think this belongs here.
I've been looking at this problem some more today and reading about ThreadLocals. It's easy to misuse them and end up with memory leaks, apparently... and I think we may have this problem here.

The problem here is that ThreadLocals are tied to Threads, and I think the assumption in TermInfosReader and SegmentReader is that (search) Threads are short-lived: they come in, scan the index, do the search, return and die. In this scenario, their ThreadLocals go to heaven with them, too, and memory is freed up.

Otis, we have an index server being served inside Tomcat, where an Application instance makes a search request via vanilla HTTP post, so our connector threads definitely do stay alive for quite a while. We're using Lucene 2.0, and our Index server is THE most stable of all our components, up for over month (before being taken down for updates) searching hundreds of various sized indexes sized up to 7Gb in size, serving 1-2 requests/second during peak usage.

No memory leak spotted at our end, but I'm watching this thread with interest! :)


Paul Smith

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