Grant Ingersoll wrote:

My reasoning for this solution: Our minor release cycles are currently in the 3-6 months range and our major release cycles are in the 1-1.5 year range. I think giving someone 4-8 (or whatever) months is more than enough time to prepare for API changes. I am not sure how this would effect Index changes, but I do think we should KEEP our current index reading policy where possible. This may mean that some deprecated items cannot be removed until a major release and I think that is fine.

Personally, I like the stability of Lucene.

I don't see any problems with deprecations being done earlier, but actual removal still at the major release.

Is there a roadmap of changes from 3.0 to 4.0 that would warrant such a procedural change? What is Lucene missing that would have such a change?

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