On Sep 2, 2008, at 6:07 AM, Shai Erera wrote:


Following Doron's quality work enhancements in TREC 2007 (http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/TREC_2007_Million_Queries_Track_-_IBM_Haifa_Team ), I was wondering if it's possible to move the SweetSpotSimilarity to Lucene's main code stream (out of "contrib" that is).
It shows significant improvement over the default similarity.

My understanding is it requires a bit of tuning, right? I'd want to make sure people have the right information to use it intelligently, but otherwise, it seems reasonable.

I'm not suggesting to replace the DefaultSimilarity (as the default) with SweetSpot, but just expose SweetSpot as part of Lucene's core. It will help me use it, since I cannot use the contrib packages easily in my environment (legal issues), but can use Lucene's core more freely.

This strikes me as really odd. The contrib modules are released under the exact same terms as the core, but heh, I'm not a lawyer... Is there anything you think we should be concerned with?


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