On 09/03/2008 at 2:00 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
> On 09/03/2008 at 8:40 AM, Mark Miller wrote:
> > I havn't used it myself, so I won't guess (too much <g>), but the
> > question to me seems to be, is SweetSpot important enough to move to
> > core? Are there enough good reasons? And even if so, is it ready to
> > move to core? Contrib also seems to be somewhat of a possible
> > incubation area...
> I think that's the wrong question to ask.  I would rather ask the
> question "Is X decoupled enough from Lucene internals that it can be a
> contrib?" Things like IndexWriter, IndexReader, Document and TokenStream
> really need to be "core" ... but things like the QueryParser, and most
> of our analyzers don't.  Having lots of loosely coupled mini-libraries
> that respect good API boundaries seems more reusable and generally saner
> then "all of this code is useful and lots of people wnat it so throw it
> into the kitchen sink"
> We don't need to go hog wild gutting things out of the core ... but i
> don't think we should be adding new things to the core just
> becuase they are "generally useful".

One of core's requirements is: no external dependencies.  Although many contrib 
components meet this requirement, there is no structural differentiation 
between them and those that don't.  So from the point of view of simplifying 
lawyers' licensing labors :), it might make sense to split off a 


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