Two points here:
1. "It should, because in the compiled JVM code, generics do simply
not appear." is not completely true. Types that have their type
parameters lower-bound, erase said parameters to this low bound and
not to Object. Google Guice uses this as a base to trick allowing
runtime generics reflection.

2. Generics' utility is not limited to collections, we use it for
type-safe index fields storage/querying for example.
Define field:
FieldInfo<EmployerCategory> EMPLOYER_CATEGORY =
field(ENUM(EmployerCategory.class), INDEX);
Store it:
add(vacancy.getEmployerCategory(), EMPLOYER_CATEGORY);
Query it:
return FilterTerm(EMPLOYER_CATEGORY, complementOf(EnumSet.of(AGENCY)));

any field access is type-checked at compile time and happily
autocompletes in IDE

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 15:07, Michael McCandless
<> wrote:
> I like that approach.  So we just need a volunteer to do at least step 1,
> for 3.0, which should be reasonably straightforward.
> Another big effort for 3.0 will be fixing all places internal to Lucene
> (including contrib, tests) that still use deprecated APIs.
> Mike
> Uwe Schindler wrote:
>> A good idea would be to do the transformation to generics like the
>> following:
>> - write a patch that replaces all *public* API declarations with generics
>> (especially Document, Fieldable and so on where a lot of List/Sets occur).
>> The Lucene code behind these declarations will compile without any
>> problem,
>> it will only print out warnings (e.g. a method takes an argument
>> List<Fieldable> but the internal member variable is just List, the
>> assignment will generate the warning. By adding <compilerarg
>> line="-Xlint:unchecked" /> to the build.xml scripts, the compiler will
>> print
>> the warnings more detailed with line numbers etc., can be much output). At
>> return values you sometimes have to place a cast (assign not-generics to a
>> generics type does not work with 1.5). This cast also generates an unsafe
>> warning.
>> - start to fix all places in Lucene where the compiler produces warnings.
>> You start with the parts directly behind the public API, when finished the
>> compiler gives warnings for the next and so on.
>> The first could be one patch available in Lucene starting with 3.0 (so the
>> public API is generics, without much hassle). The other patches can be
>> done
>> step by step to remove the compiler warnings.
>> -----
>> Uwe Schindler
>> H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen
>> eMail:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Michael McCandless []
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 12:31 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: 2.9/3.0 plan & Java 1.5
>>> Uwe Schindler wrote:
>>>>> EG I haven't yet tested for JAR drop-in compatibility, eg if in 3.1
>>>>> we
>>>>> wanted to swap in more generics, would a 3.0 app be able to drop in
>>>>> the 3.1 Lucene jar w/o problems?
>>>> It should, because in the compiled JVM code, generics do simply not
>>>> appear.
>>> Ahhhh, right.  So I think this means we can safely, over time, swap in
>>> generics for these APIs w/o going through our normal back
>>> compatibility steps (deprecate old, rename to new, etc.).  Even say in
>>> the 3.1 release (a minor release) we can swap in generics for APIs.
>>> Great!
>>> Mike
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