+1 Agreed, the initial version should use RAMDirectory in order to keep
things simple and to benchmark against other MemoryIndex like index

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Doug Cutting <cutt...@apache.org> wrote:

> Michael McCandless wrote:
>> So then I think we should start with approach #2 (build real-time on
>> top of the Lucene core) and iterate from there.  Newly added docs go
>> into a tiny segments, which IndexReader.reopen pulls in.  Replaced or
>> deleted docs record the delete against the right SegmentReader (and
>> LUCENE-1314 lets reopen carry those pending deletes forward, in RAM).
>> I would take the simple approach first: use ordinary SegmentReader on
>> a RAMDirectory for the tiny segments.  If that proves too slow, swap
>> in Memory/InstantiatedIndex for the tiny segments.  If that proves too
>> slow, build a reader impl that reads from DocumentsWriter RAM buffer.
> +1 This sounds like a good approach to me.  I don't see any fundamental
> reasons why we need different representations, and fewer implementations of
> IndexWriter and IndexReader is generally better, unless they get way too
> hairy.  Mostly it seems that real-time can be done with our existing toolbox
> of datastructures, but with some slightly different control structures.
>  Once we have the control structure in place then we should look at
> optimizing data structures as needed.
> Doug
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