On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Michael
McCandless<luc...@mikemccandless.com> wrote:
> I believe we debated allowing the DISI to return any docID less than
> its first real docID, not only -1, as you've done here, but I think
> Shai found something wrong with that IIRC... but I can't find this
> discussion.  Shai do you remember / can you find this past discussion
> / am I just hallucinating?

I don't know if it exists in Lucene, but I guess I can see the benefit
of only having -1 or NO_MORE_DOCS.
Consider a simplified ConjunctionScorer that didn't do anything in the
constructor but simply skipped one iterator and then did the logic of
doNext() until they all matched.  One could get a false hit with my
theoretical SliceDocIdSetIterator above.


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