On 10/4/09 3:31 AM, Mark Miller wrote:
Ted Dunning wrote:
The builder pattern and the config argument to a factory both have the
advantage that you can limit changes after creating an object.  Some
things are just bad to change in mid-stream.  The config argument is
nice in that you can pass it around to different stake holders, but
the builder can be used a bit like that as well.
Yeah that argument has been made. But I've *never* seen it as an issue.
Just seems like a solution looking for a problem. I can see how it's
cleaner, not missing that point. But still doesn't make me like it much.

Yeah personally this wasn't a problem for me either. I do like the cleanliness though. Also, I'd very much prefer a config object over multiple constructors (with the need to deprecate/add with every change), as I proposed originally in this thread.

I still don't see an advantage of the builder pattern over the config object + factory pattern - and I'm not even sure if we really need a factory; IMO passing a config object into a single constructor would be sufficient for IW.


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