right, its nothing to do with lucene, instead due to property changes, etc.

i just think we should inform users on java 1.4/2.9 that if they upgrade to
java 1.5/3.0, they should reindex.

the reason i say this about properties, is there are some that change that
will affect tokenizers, i give two examples, a hyphen that changes from
punctuation to format (might affect SolrWordDelimiterFilter),
and arabic ayah which changes from NSM to format, which surely affects

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Steven A Rowe <sar...@syr.edu> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> I agree that the Unicode version supported by the JVM, as you say, really
> has nothing to do with Lucene.
> The disruption here is users' upgrading from Java 1.4 to 1.5+, not when
> they upgrade Lucene.  I'd guess with few exceptions that most people have
> been using Lucene with 1.5+ for a couple of years now, though.
> But even the upgrade from Java 1.4 to 1.5+ will have (had) zero impact on
> most Lucene users, assuming that most use Latin-1 exclusively; although I
> haven't looked, I'd be surprised if Latin-1 characters changed much, if at
> all, from Unicode 3.0 to 4.0.
> It would be useful, I think, to include (a pointer to?) a description of
> the details of the Unicode 3.0->4.0 differences in the Lucene 3.0 release
> notes, since the minimum required Java version, and so also the supported
> Unicode version, changes then.
> Steve
> On 11/16/2009 at 2:15 PM, Robert Muir wrote:
> > the problem is that the properties have changed for various characters,
> > and new characters were added.
> >
> > it really has nothing to do with lucene, but the idea you can go from
> > jdk 1.4/lucene 2.9 to jdk 1.5/lucene3.0 without reindexing is not true.
> >
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:12 PM, Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de> wrote:
> >
> >
> >       But an UTF-8 stream from Java 4 can still be read with Java 5,
> > what is the problem? Java 5 extended Unicode support, but an index
> > created with older versions can still be read. UTF-8 is standardized…
> >
> >
> >
> >       -----
> >       Uwe Schindler
> >       H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen
> >       http://www.thetaphi.de
> >       eMail: u...@thetaphi.de
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> >
> >       From: Robert Muir [mailto:rcm...@gmail.com]
> >       Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 8:09 PM
> >
> >       To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
> >       Subject: Re: Why release 3.0?
> >
> >
> >
> >       uwe, on topic please read my comment on LUCENE-1689, because
> > unicode version was bumped in jdk 1.5, i believe this index backwards
> > compatibility is only theoretical
> >
> >       On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Uwe Schindler <u...@thetaphi.de>
> wrote:
> >
> >       2.9 has *not* the same format as 3.0, an index created with 3.0
> > cannot be read with 2.9. This is because compressed field support was
> > removed and therefore the version number of the stored fields file was
> > upgraded. But indexes from 2.9 can be read with 3.0 and support may get
> > removed in 4.0. 3.0 Indexes can be read until version 4.9.
> >
> >
> >
> >       Uwe
> >
> >       -----
> >       Uwe Schindler
> >       H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen
> >       http://www.thetaphi.de
> >       eMail: u...@thetaphi.de
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> >
> >       From: Jake Mannix [mailto:jake.man...@gmail.com]
> >       Sent: Monday, November 16, 2009 7:15 PM
> >
> >
> >       To: java-dev@lucene.apache.org
> >
> >       Subject: Re: Why release 3.0?
> >
> >
> >
> >       Don't users need to upgrade to 3.0 because 3.1 won't be
> > necessarily able to read your
> >       2.4 index file formats?  I suppose if you've already upgraded to
> > 2.9, then all is well because
> >       2.9 is the same format as 3.0, but we can't assume all users
> > upgraded from 2.4 to 2.9.
> >
> >       If you've done that already, then 3.0 might not be necessary,
> > but if you're on 2.4 right now,
> >       you will be in for a bad surprise if you try to upgrade to 3.1.
> >
> >         -jake
> >
> >       On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Erick Erickson
> > <erickerick...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >       One of my "specialties" is asking obvious questions just to see
> > if everyone's assumptions are aligned. So with the discussion about
> > branching 3.0 I have to ask "Is there going to be any 3.0 release
> > intended for *production*?". And if not, would we save a lot of
> > work by just not worrying about retrofitting fixes to a 3.0 branch
> > and carrying on with 3.1 as the first *supported* 3.x release?
> >
> >       Since 3.0 is "upgrade-to-java5 and remove deprecations", I'm not
> > sure *as a user* I see a good reason to upgrade to 3.0. Getting a
> > "beta/snapshot" release to get a head start on cleaning up my code
> > does seem worthwhile, if I have the spare time. And having a base
> > 3.0 version that's not changing all over the place would be useful
> > for that.
> >
> >       That said, I'm also not terribly comfortable with a "release"
> > that's out there and unsupported.
> >
> >       Apologies if this has already been discussed, but I don't
> > remember it. Although my memory isn't what it used to be (but
> > some would claim it never was<G>)...
> >
> >       Erick

Robert Muir

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