Erick / Mike -
With 2065 commited onto trunk now - I created another patch for 2037 and attached in the ticket. 3 classes remain pending though due to conflicts , that I had listed with the patch. But we can probably revisit them subsequently. Please review them to serve as a starting point for the same.

Erick Erickson wrote:

I should be able to create a new 2037 patch pretty easily if you
want to apply 2065 first. Let me know....


On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Kay Kay < <>> wrote:

    Mike -
    I have attached another patch to LUCENE-2065 , in sync with the
    trunk now.

    Erick Erickson wrote:

        That's up to Mike, whichever way he finds easiest, I'll deal.


        On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Kay Kay
        < <>
        <>>> wrote:

           I created Lucene-2065 while working on 1257 , the original
           generics related ticket , and since we were running out of time
           for 3.0 ,  I guess we could not get src/test converted in.

           In any case , if you were comitting this one (2037) to trunk ,
            may be I can wait before creating the patch again.

           Erick Erickson wrote:

               I didn't realize 2065 had already been down this path,
               you were volunteering to change all the code starting from
               scratch. Your approach sounds like a fine plan.

               Note that I'm not entirely sure that I cleaned up
               *everything*, but we
               need to get to a known state before tackling the rest,
        so I'll
               wait for
               these two patches to be applied before looking back at

               Not to mention the Localized test thing.....


               On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Michael McCandless

        <>>>> wrote:

                  On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Erick Erickson
        < <>>

        <>>>> wrote:
                  > I generified the searches/function files in patch
        2037. I
                  really think
                  > there's a conflict, just commit my patch and have at
                  the rest.

                  OK so then we'll start with 2037, then take 2065's
                  updated to current trunk, but minus search/function

                  > I know, I know. I did two things at once. So sue
        me. Honest,
                  I'll try not to
                  > do this very often <G>...

                  In fact I prefer this.  I used to think we shouldn't do
               that but I
                  flip-flopped and now think in practice you just have to
               clean code
                  while you're there, otherwise it won't get cleaned.

                  > Mike:
                  > You really want to to the generify the whole shootin'
               match or
                  do you want
                  > to partition them? I'll be happy to take a set of
               Or would
                  that make
                  > things too complicated to apply?

                  2065 already has done alot here (adding generics to the
               tests)... I
                  think we start from that and take it from there?


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