Sure, but it won't be until late Saturday at the earliest, more likely
Sunday. Got
a busy Fri/Sat....


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Michael McCandless <> wrote:

> Thanks Kay Kay!  Erick can you have a look / iterate?  Thanks.
> Mike
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 3:30 PM, Kay Kay <> wrote:
> > Erick / Mike -
> >  With 2065 commited onto trunk now - I created another patch for 2037 and
> > attached in the ticket.
> > 3 classes remain pending though due to conflicts , that I had listed with
> > the patch. But we can probably revisit them subsequently.  Please review
> > them to serve as a starting point for the same.
> >
> >
> > Erick Erickson wrote:
> >>
> >> Mike:
> >>
> >> I should be able to create a new 2037 patch pretty easily if you
> >> want to apply 2065 first. Let me know....
> >>
> >> Erick
> >>
> >> On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Kay Kay <
> >> <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>    Mike -
> >>    I have attached another patch to LUCENE-2065 , in sync with the
> >>    trunk now.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>    Erick Erickson wrote:
> >>
> >>        That's up to Mike, whichever way he finds easiest, I'll deal.
> >>
> >>        Erick
> >>
> >>        On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Kay Kay
> >>        < <>
> >>        <
> >>        <>>> wrote:
> >>
> >>           I created Lucene-2065 while working on 1257 , the original
> >>           generics related ticket , and since we were running out of
> time
> >>           for 3.0 ,  I guess we could not get src/test converted in.
> >>
> >>           In any case , if you were comitting this one (2037) to trunk ,
> >>            may be I can wait before creating the patch again.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>           Erick Erickson wrote:
> >>
> >>               I didn't realize 2065 had already been down this path,
> >>        thought
> >>               you were volunteering to change all the code starting from
> >>               scratch. Your approach sounds like a fine plan.
> >>
> >>               Note that I'm not entirely sure that I cleaned up
> >>               *everything*, but we
> >>               need to get to a known state before tackling the rest,
> >>        so I'll
> >>               wait for
> >>               these two patches to be applied before looking back at
> >>        it...
> >>
> >>               Not to mention the Localized test thing.....
> >>
> >>               Erick
> >>
> >>
> >>               On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Michael McCandless
> >>               <
> >>        <>
> >>        <
> >>        <>>
> >>               <
> >>        <>
> >>
> >>               <
> >>        <>>>> wrote:
> >>
> >>                  On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Erick Erickson
> >>                  <
> >>        <>
> >>        < <
> >>
> >>               <
> >>        <>
> >>
> >>               <
> >>        <>>>> wrote:
> >>                  > I generified the searches/function files in patch
> >>        2037. I
> >>               don't
> >>                  really think
> >>                  > there's a conflict, just commit my patch and have at
> >>               generifying
> >>                  the rest.
> >>
> >>                  OK so then we'll start with 2037, then take 2065's
> >>        patch,
> >>               hopefully
> >>                  updated to current trunk, but minus search/function
> >>        sources.
> >>
> >>                  > I know, I know. I did two things at once. So sue
> >>        me. Honest,
> >>                  I'll try not to
> >>                  > do this very often <G>...
> >>
> >>                  In fact I prefer this.  I used to think we shouldn't do
> >>               that but I
> >>                  flip-flopped and now think in practice you just have to
> >>               clean code
> >>                  while you're there, otherwise it won't get cleaned.
> >>
> >>                  > Mike:
> >>                  > You really want to to the generify the whole shootin'
> >>               match or
> >>                  do you want
> >>                  > to partition them? I'll be happy to take a set of
> >>        them.
> >>               Or would
> >>                  that make
> >>                  > things too complicated to apply?
> >>
> >>                  2065 already has done alot here (adding generics to the
> >>               tests)... I
> >>                  think we start from that and take it from there?
> >>
> >>                  Mike
> >>
> >>
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