bq. Try a merge back: This would let flex appear as a single commit to
trunk, so the history of trunk would be preserved.

 +1 for that - I think the history of trunk is important to preserve.
And there is also a way to ask for flex's history so everybody win?


On Thursday, April 1, 2010, Uwe Schindler <> wrote:
> Hi,
> we should think about how to merge the changes to trunk. I can try this out 
> during the weekend, to merge back the changes to trunk, but this can be very 
> hard. So we have the following options:
> Try a merge back: This would let flex appear as a single commit to trunk, so 
> the history of trunk would be preserved. If somebody wants to see the changes 
> in the flex branch, he could ask for them (e.g. in TortoiseSVN there is a 
> checkbox "Include merged revisions"). If this is not easy or fails, we can do 
> the following:
> - Create a big diff between current trunk and flex (after flex is merged up 
> to trunk). Attach this patch to an issue and let everybody review. After that 
> we can apply the patch to trunk. This would result in the same behavior for 
> trunk, no changes lost, but all changes in flex cannot be reviewed.
> - Delete current trunk and svn move the branch to trunk (after flex is merged 
> up to trunk): This would make the history of flex the current history. The 
> drawback: You losse latest trunk changes since the split of flex. Instead you 
> will only see the merge messages. Therefore we should see this only as a last 
> chance.
> Comments?
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> H.-H.-Meier-Allee 63, D-28213 Bremen
> eMail:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael McCandless []
>> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:35 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Landing the flex branch
>> I think the time has finally come!  Pending one issue (LUCENE-2354 --
>> Uwe), I think flex is ready to land.... I think the other issues with
>> Fix
>> Version = Flex Branch can be moved to 3.1 after we land.
>> We still use the pre-flex APIs in a number of places... I think this
>> is actually good (so we continue to test the back-compat emulation
>> layer).  With time we can cut them over.
>> After flex, there are a number of fun things to explore.  EG, we need
>> to make attributes work well with codecs & indexing/searching (with
>> Multi/DirReader, serailize/unserialize, etc.); we need a BytesRef +
>> packed ints FieldCache StringIndex variant which should use much less
>> RAM in certain cases; we should build a fast core PForDelta codec;
>> more queries can cutover to operating directly on byte[] terms, etc.
>> But these can all come with time...
>> Thoughts/issues/objections?
>> Mike
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