Hi All,

I Am the first time visitor to this group, I am having a small issue.

In our applicaiton we have SWT application talking with Spring web
tier through XStream, serialised communication, calling a servlet in
Web tier application like below

//Create an instance of HttpClient.
                HttpClient client = getHttpClient();

XStream xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver(ENCODING));

                OutputCommand cmdOut = null;

                Object inParam = commandsInParams.get(cmd.getName());

                xstream.alias("InputCommand", InputCommand.class);
                xstream.alias(getSimpleName(inParam), inParam.getClass());
                xstream.alias("CommandError", CommandError.class);

//Execute the method.
                        int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);

This InputCommand has arraylist of objects contained in it.

Now, the Servlet has a private method which passes the arraylist of
objects extracted from request - serialized bean like ..

private void methodName(List params)
        ArrayList shortlisted = new Arraylist();
        for (Iterator iterator = params.iterator();
iterator.hasNext();) {

           Object xyz = iterator.next();



The issue is the XStream is throwing the exception that (premature end
of input) may be request contents get truncated.. If I change the
access modifier to protected it works fine, but Iam not able explain
why? to my boss, can you please help

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