Le 5 avr. 10 à 00:21, Mihai DINCA a écrit :


I tried the first labs "4001_webappstructure.zip" in NetBeans 6.8 with Glassfish 3, both with JEE5 and JEE6.

It worked perfectly in the both cases, but, of course, there is no web.xml file in the case of JEE6 (when creating a new servlet, NetBeans automatically supplies the necessary @annotations that replace the information in the web.xml file).

There is only one thing I could not do in JEE6: changing the "welcome page". The name of the JSP page or of the servlet to be used as "welcome page" is written in the web.xml file in JEE5. As there is no such file in JEE6, I don't know how to do it. Of course, I can ask NetBeans to display by default some other page than the default welcome page, but this is not what I wish.

Anybody knows how to do it in JEE6?
From what I read in the Servlet 3.0 final spec section 8.1.6, second paragraph, you may use the descriptor to override the default.

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