I wonder if I have been explicit enough. So to allow another page than
the index.jsp, or index.html files (default) to be the welcome file,
you may proceed as follows:

1 - When creating the servlet, check the Add information to deployment
descriptor (web.xml) in the second panel of the servlet creation named
Configure Servlet Deployment
This will creates a web.xml, which will takes the information from
what you have entered.
Note that this does not impede to have annotations. It will eventually
override annotations if you specify values different from the ones in
Also it will override the default values - that is what we do here:
overriding the default index.jsp/index.html.

See section

2 - Create another jsp file, say myOwnJSP.jsp

3 - Add to the web.xml the corresponding fragment to override the
default value for welcome list:


4 - Run and Enjoy!

References: the Servlet 3.0 final release:

Sections: 8.1.6, 8.2.1, 10.10

And of course, the whole reading is a must.


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