On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Barnet Wagman wrote:
> > To get nice antialiased fonts you have to install
> > the Fonts into $JDKHOME/jre/lib/fonts/. You can then use the fonts inside Java
> > applications without the need for TrueType support in X
> (1) Can you put TrueFonts (*.ttf) into $JDKHOME/jre/lib/fonts/ ?
> (2) If the same font is in $JDKHOME/jre/lib/fonts/ and it the X font server,
> which will Java use? Can we force Java to look in $JDKHOME/jre/lib/fonts/
> first?
> (3) Does the $JDKHOME environmental variable need to be set in order for this to
> work. (I've been using jdk 1.3 (Sun and IBM) and jdk 1.2 (Blackdown) without
> it.)
I spent two days going over JDK 1.2.2's JVM with strace trying to debug
font issues. Here's what I learned:
The JVM queries the X server for its font path. It takes this path
and visits each directory listed, opens the fonts.dir file, and parses it for
TrueType fonts. It doesn't just ask the X server for the fonts list, it
pulls it directly from the host's own disk!
This is a major problem for users wishing to run Java apps to remote X
displays--Java assumes the X display is the local host with access to the
local host's font lists. This is not at all true for remote X support.
(I'm not even touching the X performance issues...)
I tried adding TrueType fonts to my linux installation's jre/lib/fonts
but it ignored them. I presumed this was because metrics information for
those files is not present in font.properties. But, since I could find NO
documentation for the metrics content of this file, I never was able to get
them working.
Java's Fonts support for Unix/X basically sucks rocks. The only reason it
works as well as it does is because the default TrueType fonts are now
provided with the JVM.
Joi Ellis Software Engineer
No matter what we think of Linux versus FreeBSD, etc., the one thing I
really like about Linux is that it has Microsoft worried. Anything
that kicks a monopoly in the pants has got to be good for something.
- Chris Johnson
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