Orson Alvarez wrote:
Hi Barnet,

Have you received any responses to this query? I received the same error

java version "1.3.0rc1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0rc1-b17)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0rc1-b17, mixed mode)

I looked up the problem on the JDC bug parade and they say it's fixed
due to the fix for bug 4379126. However, that bug has been taken off the
bug parade listing "due to security reasons". Additionally, the entry
for this bug states that the bug is "closed,fixed" in a "non-public
release". I looked for pre-release versions on JDC and found nothing.
Some of the workarounds were to use blackdown and now I see your
posting. Very discouraging to say the least.

Fraid not.  And I haven't found any documentation on using the profiler, other than what we get from '$java3 -Xrunhprof:help'
On top of all this I downloaded the "fcs" version and RH's rpm won't
install it because it thinks the "rc1" version is newer. Frustrating...

At any rate let me know if you hear anything.


I've given up using rpms for Java precisely for this reason.  With tarball installations, its easy to have multiple versions on one system (I have at least four at present).

Good luck.

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