Daniel Malmkvist wrote:

What I understand a thread pool will do lot pf unnessesary polling to no good. But in the 1-thread per connection case the only resorces that will be reserverd is a bit of memory (and on a 64 bit plattform that is not a problem). Or am I missing anything, is there any other resorces that will be allocated.

Polling doesn't actually hurt. In this context, "poll" actually refers to the poll(2) system call, which is designed for just this sort of thing - like select(2), it puts your process to sleep until any one of a number of file descriptors is ready for input or output. It is designed for high performance.

Using a thread pool will result in less context switch overhead and *much* less resident-set (RAM footprint) overhead, at the expense of a very low system call overhead. It's also much more portable to operating systems that don't handle 10K threads gracefully. It should scale above 10K connections better.

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