Could someone please help me with this. I am having problems with compiling my project on the iPAQ H5550. I am unsure what I added to the code that would cause this error. However the gui was working before we added all the JMF stuff. Im wondering if this is the problem or not. Anyone have any ideas on why this would I happen I would appreciate it.
~/ipaq_gui # java newgui
current locale is not supported in X11, locale is set to CX locale modifiers are
 not supported, using defaultfree(): invalid pointer 0x4012fdfc!
SIGSEGV   11*  segmentation violation
    si_signo [11]: SIGSEGV   11*  segmentation violation
    si_errno [0]: Success
    si_code [1]: SEGV_MAPERR [addr: 0x200]
Full thread dump Classic VM (Blackdown-1.3.1-RC1, native threads):
    "AWT-Motif" (TID:0x40fae960, sys_thread_t:0x251520, state:MW, native ID:0x18
007) prio=6
        at Method)
    "SunToolkit.PostEventQueue-0" (TID:0x40faeda0, sys_thread_t:0x23afc8, state:
CW, native ID:0x14006) prio=6
        at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Object.wait(
    "AWT-EventQueue-0" (TID:0x40faed78, sys_thread_t:0x234650, state:CW, native
ID:0x10005) prio=6
        at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Object.wait(
        at java.awt.EventQueue.getNextEvent(
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchTh
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThre
        at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    "Finalizer" (TID:0x40f95528, sys_thread_t:0x5de48, state:CW, native ID:0xc00
4) prio=8
        at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
        at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
        at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$
    "Reference Handler" (TID:0x40f95300, sys_thread_t:0x56f20, state:CW, native
ID:0x8003) prio=10
        at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Object.wait(
        at java.lang.ref.Reference$
    "Signal Dispatcher" (TID:0x40f95330, sys_thread_t:0x55d70, state:CW, native
ID:0x4002) prio=5
    "main" (TID:0x40f951b0, sys_thread_t:0x1be00, state:R, native ID:0x4000) pri
        at sun.awt.motif.MWindowPeer.pSetTitle(Native Method)
        at sun.awt.motif.MWindowPeer.init(
        at sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer.<init>(
        at sun.awt.motif.MToolkit.createFrame(
        at java.awt.Frame.addNotify(
        at java.awt.Window.pack(
        at newgui.<init>(
        at newgui.main(
Monitor Cache Dump:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/41015848: <unowned>
        Waiting to be notified:
            "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0x234650)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/41018970: owner "main" (0x1be00) 1 entry
        Waiting to enter:
            "AWT-Motif" (0x251520)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/41015D28: <unowned>
        Waiting to be notified:
            "SunToolkit.PostEventQueue-0" (0x23afc8)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/40FFB040: owner "main" (0x1be00) 1 e
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/40FCAF98: <unowned>
        Waiting to be notified:
            "Reference Handler" (0x56f20)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/40FCB478: <unowned>
        Waiting to be notified:
            "Finalizer" (0x5de48)
Registered Monitor Dump:
    utf8 hash table: <unowned>
    JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
    JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
    BinClass lock: <unowned>
    Class linking lock: <unowned>
    System class loader lock: <unowned>
    Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
    Heap lock: <unowned>
    Monitor cache lock: owner "main" (0x1be00) 1 entry
    Thread queue lock: owner "main" (0x1be00) 1 entry
    Monitor registry: owner "main" (0x1be00) 1 entry

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