
I am experiencing the following problem and I'd be interested to hear whether this is a known issue and whether there's a cure for it:

- Debian Linux
- BlackDown 1.4.2 / Sun 1.4.2_03
- Gnome 2.6
- Windowmanager: Sawfish / Metacity

I have implemented a Swing application which opens various JFrames. Occasionally a JFrame will be shown WITHOUT its decorations. This only happens on Linux (set-up see above), NOT on Windows.

We have tried both Blackdown and Sun's VM. And we have also tried both Sawfish and Metacity. The problem seems to occur more frequently when using Sawfish.

Other window managers are not an option as Gnome 2.6 requires either Sawfish or Metacity.

My temporary fix: I have now set the default to JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true). With this setting the decorations never disappear.



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz

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