Klaus Wagner wrote:
On Mon, 2006-09-04 at 22:18 +1000, Dan Rossi wrote:
Hi, im trying to get answers about this, after reading the 1.5 status


it states there is jdk1.5 support for sparc among other platforms.
However when i go into all the mirrors i can only see 1.4 available.
Im wondering if i was able to get info if blackdown will of course run
jdk1.5 in sparc linux. Unfortunately there is no sparc java port for
freebsd, so after finding this info i tried to install ubuntu on this,
my last resort is of course solaris 10. Let me know thanks. 

I think its true for solaris sparc. I once took a look at suns original
java sources and figured out that there are mayor design differences
between linux and solaris.
As blackdown jdk is based on these sources it would be quite difficult
to port it to linux sparc. linux sources use x86 centristic asm code
while sparc code heavyly use solaris internals.

So either way (starting from linux x86 or starting from solaris sparc)
would be hard to go. And it is quite a neverending story because sun
will never support these sources. I don't know if anyone intended to do
this for jdk 1.5 but I gave up tracking it about a year ago.

You might want to try solaris express or opensolaris as sun tries
to move towards opensource in many ways.

regards klaus


Right i dont understand why that jdk1.5 status page is up then, if sparc support isnt possible. I also saw somewhere  that a netbsd port supports sparc jdk 1.5 buts its vague. I dont really have the money to move to an amd system really just so i can run it on something other than intel linux preferably bsd.


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