Ô Bruno,

Você deveria ter feito uma pergunta mais difícil :)) !! Olha, pra você não ficar sem emprego, segue a dica no link:


E um pedaço de código pra você colar:

* This sample demonstrate basic LOB support.

import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;

//needed for new CLOB and BLOB classes
import oracle.sql.*;

public class LobExample
  public static void main (String args [])
       throws Exception
    // Register the Oracle JDBC driver
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());

    // Connect to the database
    // You can put a database name after the @ sign in the connection URL.
    Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@", "scott", "tiger");
    // It's faster when auto commit is off
    conn.setAutoCommit (false);

    // Create a Statement
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();

      stmt.execute ("drop table basic_lob_table");
    catch (SQLException e)
      // An exception could be raised here if the table did not exist already.

    // Create a table containing a BLOB and a CLOB
    stmt.execute ("create table basic_lob_table
                   (x varchar2 (30), b blob, c clob)");
    // Populate the table
    stmt.execute ("insert into basic_lob_table values
         ('one', '010101010101010101010101010101', 'onetwothreefour')");
    stmt.execute ("insert into basic_lob_table values
         ('two', '0202020202020202020202020202', 'twothreefourfivesix')");
    System.out.println ("Dumping lobs");

    // Select the lobs  
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select * from basic_lob_table");
    while (rset.next ())
      // Get the lobs
      BLOB blob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBLOB (2);
      CLOB clob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getCLOB (3);

      // Print the lob contents
      dumpBlob (conn, blob);
      dumpClob (conn, clob);

      // Change the lob contents
      fillClob (conn, clob, 2000);
      fillBlob (conn, blob, 4000);

    System.out.println ("Dumping lobs again");

    rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select * from basic_lob_table");
    while (rset.next ())
      // Get the lobs
      BLOB blob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBLOB (2);
      CLOB clob = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getCLOB (3);

      // Print the lobs contents
      dumpBlob (conn, blob);
      dumpClob (conn, clob);
    // Close all resources

  // Utility function to dump Clob contents
  static void dumpClob (Connection conn, CLOB clob)
    throws Exception
    // get character stream to retrieve clob data
    Reader instream = clob.getCharacterStream();

    // create temporary buffer for read
    char[] buffer = new char[10];

    // length of characters read
    int length = 0;

    // fetch data 
    while ((length = instream.read(buffer)) != -1)
      System.out.print("Read " + length + " chars: ");

      for (int i=0; i<length; i++)

    // Close input stream

  // Utility function to dump Blob contents
  static void dumpBlob (Connection conn, BLOB blob)
    throws Exception
    // Get binary output stream to retrieve blob data
    InputStream instream = blob.getBinaryStream();

    // Create temporary buffer for read
    byte[] buffer = new byte[10];

    // length of bytes read
    int length = 0;

    // Fetch data 
    while ((length = instream.read(buffer)) != -1)
      System.out.print("Read " + length + " bytes: ");

      for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
        System.out.print(buffer[i]+" ");

    // Close input stream

  // Utility function to put data in a Clob
  static void fillClob (Connection conn, CLOB clob, long length)
    throws Exception
    Writer outstream = clob.getCharacterOutputStream();

    int i = 0;
    int chunk = 10;

    while (i < length)
      outstream.write(i + "hello world", 0, chunk);

      i += chunk;
      if (length - i < chunk)
      chunk = (int) length - i;

  // Utility function to put data in a Blob
  static void fillBlob (Connection conn, BLOB blob, long length)
    throws Exception
    OutputStream outstream = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();

    int i = 0;
    int chunk = 10;

    byte [] data =" {" 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };

    while (i < length)
      data [0] = (byte)i;
      outstream.write(data, 0, chunk);

      i += chunk;
      if (length - i < chunk)
      chunk = (int) length - i;


  Bruno Borges <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

Galera, o desafio eh pegar um objeto java criado a
partir de uma classe propria, no meu caso uma classe
Report, que contem outros objetos dentro dela, q ficam
num vetor. sao dois vetores, um de string e um de
outro obejto q fiz, chamado Column. o desafio seria
pegar esse objeto Report com todas as propriedades
setadas, e inserir ele num campo BLOB no Oracle.

to usando Oracle 8.1.6 com a JDBC 2.0 Oracle Thin
Driver. a classe Report e a classe Column implementam
a interface Serializable.

jah tentei fazer um setBinaryStream a partir de um
preparedStatement, mas, bummm... nao funcionou :(

bom, espero q alguem saiba como fazer isso, senao eu
perco meu emprego...

abracos, bruno

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