
I installed JDBC(mm.mysql.jdbc-2.0pre5), java1.2.2 and Java Servlet Web 
Development  Kit(jswdk-1.0.1) on Red Hat Linux 6.2 with Apache 1.3.12 and 
Jser1.1.  During the intallation of these software, I followed the exact setting 
steps. The servlet program works fine when I run the local Web browser to access 
the database(built on Mysql). But when I run the servlet program using a remote 
Web browser to access the database, I always get the following error message: 

   "A network error occurred while Netscape was receiving data. (Network Error. 
    Connection reset by peer) Try Connecting again." 
But I am sure that the network is OK. Could someone tell me how to solve this 
problem? I really appreciate your help!

     Peter Li


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