>>Stemming doesn't have to produce intelligible words

True, yes this should be fine for general search requirements.
However, the code presented does make some attempt to produce intelligible words eg parties=party unlike Porter stemmer's parties=parti
Does this make it a "lemmatizer"?
This is a feature I find useful in my particular app which is a utility which discovers all the main collocations in an index eg "stag party". The utitility reads indexed terms so it is useful if they are intelligible because they can be used as suggested spelling corrections or possible query refinements. Used in this context, as a "lemmatizer" (if this is the right word) it doesn't seem to be doing a bad job of producing generally readable words that can be presented back to the end user.


Andrzej Bialecki wrote:

mark harwood wrote:

Just ran this method on 4500 words ending in "s" in my
index and results looks good but I'm tempted to remove
this line:

           !word.endsWith("ses") )
With it removed I saw 3 oddities moses=mose gases=gase
viruses=viruse but I got 100+ extra stems that were

Stemming doesn't have to produce intelligible words, it's the lemmatization that does. As long as the stem is unique, and all inflected forms of a single base form map to the same stem, it's ok.

In the case above the probability of another word producing the same stem "mose" is very low, so this stem is ok, too.

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